Autosave photos to OneDrive for Business:
OneDrive files | SharePoint Sites | Microsoft Teams
From v2.14, Solocator supports OneDrive for business, allowing organisations and their staff to log in via their business account and autosave photos to three destinations, as highlighted below.
My OneDrive Files: After completing your login details, the default selected destination is your OneDrive files (see screenshot 8). This destination matches the “Files” location in the Microsoft OneDrive app or “My Files” in the Microsoft portal.
Followed SharePoint Sites: Within the Microsoft apps and portal, there is the option to follow SharePoint sites. To follow a SharePoint site, tap the star top right in the Microsoft portal or top right more button ••• in the app (see screenshot). Only SharePoint sites that you have selected to follow will be shown. These destinations/folders appear under “Shared Libraries” in Microsoft apps and portal.
My Teams (Joined): Similar to SharePoint sites, this destination only gives access to Microsoft Teams that you have joined. You will also be able to select team channels to save photos into.
Once signed in, you can also manually export selected photos from the Solocator photo library. Learn how to export photos.
To autosave photos to other cloud services, click here.
Selecting your destination
The screenshots below show step by step in how to select your desired destination to autosave Solocator photos.
Subfolders: Photos can either be saved directly into the selected folder or can be saved into subfolders. Subfolders are auto-created based on the “Project Name” field used on the photos or “Date” the photo was taken. See screenshot 16.